Zidora Aid foundation is the brainchild of Chief Dr. Arinze HarrisonMadueke, Okaka 1 of Ukpor and the President Zidora Group of Companies is a seasoned medical doctor, entrepreneur and philanthropist.
Since its inception in 2011 and incorporation into the Corporate Affairs Commission, the Foundation has brought about countless positive impacts in the lives of its beneficiaries, most of whom are rural women and children. Having its Motto as “Hope for the Hopeless”, the Foundation has truly given hope to the underprivileged members of our society.
Taking Lagos and Anambra state as its loci and from where it hopes to spread to all parts of the country, the foundation has blessed the lives of countless Nigerians by paying the school fees of the indigent children, providing scholarships opportunities for the exceptionally bright and indigent ones, empowering young people to undertake vocational training and financially empowering them to start their small scale businesses, organizing financial and vocational empowerment programs for women , organizing a reward driven football competition for youths, organizing Xmas parties and other social events for children in the rural areas, engaging in weekly hospital visitation outreach where relief materials are provided for patients and hospital bills of the less fortunate people are settled, engaging in weekly outreaches to slums and rural areas where household items are freely distributed to women and children, routine visits to Elderly People’s Homes and Motherless Babies Homes, routine visits and distribution of food items and other relief materials to beggars in strategic places and free medical checkups in some locations in Lagos.
Zidora Aid Foundation does not just believe only in the material well begin of children, but the foundation also belies in their mental development which can come only through education. As a result of this, Zidora Aid Foundation in 2016 launched its “Education 2020 Initiative” which is her own blue print of tackling child illiteracy. The program which was launched in Anambra state hopes to take as many as over 5000 indigent children to school up to secondary level. It has also started a nation-wide free distribution of educational material such as school bags and uniform, exercise books, mathsets , textbooks and other writing materials to primary and secondary schools in Anambra and Lagos states and also a plan is underway to screen and select over a hundred students who will benefit from the Zidora Scholarship Scheme.
Remaining focused and true to the founders vision is a fundamental factor for Zidora Aid Foundation. This vision, anchored on concern, compassion and help for the less privileged women and children hopes to constantly derive its greatest manifestation and fulfillment in the number of faces that would smile because of Zidora Aid Foundation.
Please visit www.zidoraaidfoundation.org/projects to view some of the outstanding work ZAF is doing in communities in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. Volunteers and donors are highly welcome to join the movement.